

Information technology (IT) and business giant IBM places a high priority on secondary cities for the company’s geographical expansion.

This year IBM’s market expansion will be focused on secondary cities in the Philippines, like Cebu and Davao. IBM-Philippines intend to focus serving the manufacturing and retail sectors of Cebu and the agricultural plantations of Davao.

IBM makes a careful selection of cities to expand to, making sure factors like having a large educated population with a significant wealth of IT skills, a city’s gross domestic product, attractive industries and enough telecommunications and services, were present so they could introduce their products.

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The Cebu Educational Development Foundation for Information Technology (CEDF-IT) pledges to strengthen the academe-industry linkage to improve recruitment, in response to the escalating demand for information technology, business process and knowledge process outsourcing jobs in Cebu City, Philippines.

The main thrust of the organization is to help the academe turn out high school and college graduates whose skills and talents meet industry requirements.

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The demand for sharing information to build leads and attract customers is what drives the global boom in digital advertising and marketing management solutions.

Businesses now look into having integrated platforms to manage marketing campaigns across digital media channels and formats including in-stream video, fan pages for their brands, products and services.

The advertising and business process outsourcing industries in the Philippines is now helping clients worldwide to find cost effective solutions to acquire and use new technologies and online media for their business marketing needs.

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People are not just ‘assets,’ they are human beings who must be encouraged to think independently. Without people, a company has nothing. It should be “People first before profits.”

These are the words of Howard Behar, a recognized management mentor who worked as a senior executive at Starbucks and helped mold the coffee company’s corporate culture into a prosperous people-centered one.

Behar compels aspiring leaders in business, in government, in the corporate world or in the academe to show people care, build trust, hold accountability, and know one’s identity and keep to one’s convictions.

Behar believes that if leaders regard employees and customers as creative human beings, everything else about the business will take care of itself.

“If you think of your staff as people (not assets or labor costs), they will achieve results beyond what is thought possible. And if you think of your customers as people you serve (not sources of revenue), you’ll make a deep connection with them, and they’ll come back over and over,”


These days, it is becoming more and more about relationships and connecting, thus Behar prioritizes the importance of personal leadership.

“It is people—in the best of times, and especially in the hardest times—who will inspire you, sustain and grow your organization, and get you through.

It is people who have the creativity, energy and passion to move us forward.

Even if financial resources are at hand to ease your business (whether from investors, banks, the government, good internal management, or family), it’s not going to make any difference if everyone isn’t committed, creative and purposeful about where you’re going … we need people’s creativity, which means doubling down on taking care of people…”


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