

The Cebu Educational Development Foundation for Information Technology (CEDF-IT) pledges to strengthen the academe-industry linkage to improve recruitment, in response to the escalating demand for information technology, business process and knowledge process outsourcing jobs in Cebu City, Philippines.

The main thrust of the organization is to help the academe turn out high school and college graduates whose skills and talents meet industry requirements.

“The demand is growing. We still need to prepare our graduates especially that companies here are diversified and each has specific requirements . Although CEDF-IT has already helped bridged the gap of the academe and the industry, we cannot simply rest on our laurels. These companies are banking on Cebu’s huge and rich talent pool.

We need to constantly upgrade and equip our graduates with the right skills and knowledge so they could adjust or keep up with the demands of these companies,”

JUN SAA, Executive Director, CEDF-IT

Established in March 2001 during the Cebu IT Summit, CED-FT forged partnerships with various industries and universities in Cebu and has now aligned with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for grants on various training programs on technical and non-technical skills trainings.

In aiding companies recruit the right personnel, CEDF-IT promotes the Philippine IT General Certification Exam (Phil IT GCE), a two-hour online exam, similar to PhilNITS, an IT certification exam that is recognized by many countries in the world.

The Phil IT GCE is a hundred-item, multiple-choice exam that consists of 20 percent easy, 60 percent average, and 20 percent difficult questions.

Phil IT GCE is an overall evaluation of the graduate’s level of cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning as specified in BS Computer Science; BS Computer Engineering; BS Information Technology; and, BS Information Management curricula, as well as the graduate’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes pertinent to advanced or latest trends in IT as required by industry.

The Phil IT GCE is offered twice a year and is now being applied by Cebu’s major universities. Companies may use the result of the exam even in the preliminary selection of applicants.

The Cebu Investment Promotions Center earlier announced the expansion of eight new international companies into Cebu this year.

These firms mostly perform knowledge process outsourcing operations and are hiring for skilled individuals for medical billing, data mining and medical encoding jobs.

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 15 April 2012. Sun Star Cebu. Accessed April 2012.
 Link Here.


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