





In today’s business environment, competition is tough and the market is constantly at demand. This is why a growing number of enterprises turn to the strategy of outsourcing and off-shoring to prized destinations like Cebu, Philippines.

Outsourcing, when done right, achieves reduced costs, an improved workforce and a reduced time to market.

In line with this consider the three P’s.


Improving and maintaining processes consume time and resources. If you must use a formal process that needs certification from by a third party, it is recommended to partner with a certified vendor.

Often, smaller enterprises can’t afford to fully implement a project and manage its program. A service provider can be the partner who can provide what the enterprise lacks. It could be cheaper labor, lower overhead, economies of scale, controlled
operating costs, and productivity and quality improvements all contribute to savings.



Outsourcing broadens an access to a greater work pool, with hard-to-find, service-oriented personnel and teams composed of certified experts and professionals.

In-house, this could mean an improved use of the enterprise’s workforce. Dynamically allocate employees during peak demands and shift support services offshore so in-house staff can focus on business critical initiatives to innovate and improve ROI.



A healthy array of personnel with different educational, cultural, and operational backgrounds invigorate a business in stagnation. In addition, many outsourcing providers have profound work ethics and a driven commitment to success.

These elements can reduced time to market, with access to staffing pools, infrastructure, specialized skill sets, and certified processes can improve any enterprise’s competitive advantage.


Full-Time Employee Outsourcing – Outsourcing at any budget!


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