







Businesses can experience growth in revenue through the use of social networks for business acquisitions, as there appears to be a direct positive correlation between social networking for acquisition and the revenue growth.

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Social media can help businesses thrive.

Social media can boost a small business, create brand awareness, improve customer relations, generate sales and expand market reach.

Worldwide, social media is already accepted by traditional businesses as an effective tool for advertising, marketing and promotions.

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Companies, personalities, organizations around the world have chosen social networking as part of efforts to expand their presence and exposure online.  Social networks like Facebook and its Facebook pages are at the forefront of gathering support and connections for a brand, a cause or a celebrity.

If a particular Facebook page has 10,000 fans or “likes”; that’s the significant point towards a brand’s success.

Here are some prized and proven strategies gain a high following for a brand or organization’s Facebook page.

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According to a recent IBM study, insurance firms should utilize social media and analytics to sell to today’s consumers whose shopping and buying patterns have changed.

The global insurance study is the largest conducted by the IBM Institute of Business Value. The study involved 21,740 respondents in 20 countries.

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