Seed money to Start up your Business
May 3, 2011 | Leave a Comment
Aspiring entrepreneurs often encounter the discouraging challenge of raising the required capital or seed money for starting a business. This critical factor often puts the brakes on the passion for most wannabe entrepreneurs, leaving them stuck at square one.
If you’re about to start a business, get a reality check on where you’ll most likely get your seed money source so that you can focus your energy on getting the capital from them.
If you have no existing business, here are which institutions to avoid:
The Social Network Advantage
April 30, 2011 | 1 Comment
Social networks, like Facebook and Multiply, can be very addictive for many people as they spend, or waste, their time interacting with friends and family online. But the application can be very productive, or profitable, for enterprising individuals and organizations.
Use Facebook, or the social network of your choice, to improve your public standing, credibility and reputation amongst your peers, colleagues, and consumer/customer base.
Here are some tips.
Take care of your employees, they’ll take care of you
April 26, 2011 | Leave a Comment
Global management outsourcing consultancy Accenture surveyed more than 3,400 professionals in 29 countries and found that fewer than 50 percent of all respondents are satisfied with their current jobs, but nearly 70 percent of respondents plan to stay with their companies.
The respondents from the Philippines, however, differed significantly from their global counterparts.
Humility leads to Good Leadership
April 19, 2011 | Leave a Comment
Most leaders have ambition, talent, and confidence, but few possess the humility necessary to sustain influence over time.
A good leader must bear and practice the virtue of humility, since there are are seven qualities of a leader that humility brings out best.
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