IT Outsourcing : Building Blocks
January 20, 2009 | Leave a Comment
Fifty or so years ago, information technology(IT) was not a concrete concept but an abstract figment of imagination found only in science fiction periodicals. Now, it serves as the backbone of many large institutions, primarily in business.
Without such an infrastructure, it would be non-feasible to start a major business venture much more keep up with the competitors in a world where computers are getting as common as an electrical outlet.
Outsourcing : Go Native or Go Captive?
July 17, 2008 | 1 Comment
As you and your company decide to send your back office processes and customer services off-shore for its obvious gains (such as reduced labor costs), you might choose between contracting a business process outsourcing (BPO) service provider to handle these processes (”to go native”) or establishing your own captive off-shore operations (”to go captive”).
Let’s examine the advantages of each approach to determine which can serve your company’s interests best.
Outsourcing : A Risky Business?
July 13, 2008 | Leave a Comment
To engage in any business enterprise is to engage risks which must be dealt with to gain rewards.
Outsourcing, the farming out of work and processes to third-party business process outsourcing (BPO) service providers abroad, bears its own unique set of risks that, with careful research, can be avoided.
Let’s identify the most common outsourcing risks that companies encounter when outsourcing their business processes.
Outsourcing: Promised Land
July 9, 2008 | Leave a Comment
As outsourcing and information technology (IT) has made the world’s human resources merely a mouseclick away, the small-to-medium business entrepreneur can choose from of regions such as Southeast Asia whose are cost-effective, competent and creative when it comes to manufacturing products or providing services.
There is one country in Southeast Asia that’s fast in standing out from the rest in the region as the new “Promised Land” of off-shore outsourcing: the Philippines.
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