There are five empirical observations in business that stresses why customer retention is vital to the survival of companies:
- An average company can lose up to five percent of customers every year.
- Attracting new customers can cost five times more than keeping current customers satisfied.
- Depending on the industry, there can be a twenty-five to eighty-five percent increase in profits with a five percent decrease in customer defection.
- A two-percent increase in keeping customers is just the same as a ten-percent decreases in spending for costs.
- Customer profitability rate tends to increase over the life of the retained customer.
These five observations make a good argument about investing in strategies and solutions to help a company monitor and respond to every single customer transaction. Boosting the customers’ satisfaction and confidence in your business brand, boosts your profits as well.
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Outsourcing News Round Up
August 7, 2009 | Leave a Comment
Outsourcing Issues and News.
Here is a weekly dose of professional business information and analyses searched and summarized by Outsourcing Opinions from the world business news agencies and major resource sites.
Outsourcing – Mover or Staller?
August 1, 2009 | Leave a Comment
As a business leader, are you a mover or a staller?
Do you sustain the momentum of your business projects, progressing to a solution or do you delay it, in fear of risks or change?
Check out the following questionnaire to see if you’re the type to fuel others, generate and sustain momentum or the type that acts like the brake or deadweight.
Outsourcing – E-mail Out, Cash In
July 29, 2009 | Leave a Comment
The Internet is a great avenue to use for business!
By just simply using e-mail, a small-to-medium enterpreneur can attract new customers and build up a database of information regarding their personal preferences and buying trends.
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