China BPO in Philippines
June 9, 2011 | Leave a Comment
The Business Processing Association of the Philippines reports that the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry in the Philippines is keen on entering new markets. The BPO sector pushes into new markets such as the United Kingdom and Asia-Pacific.
Because of the growth of the Asia-Pacific region, the sector is looking to capitalize on its language and communication capabilities. The biggest demand is for Korean, Japanese and Chinese Mandarin.
Home-Based Offshore Employees – Good or Bad Idea?
June 7, 2011 | Leave a Comment
Over the past few months, management at my company has been discussing the recent trend of Filipino employees working from home. We have noticed a significant spike in the number of Filipinos who are now working at home either in a full-time capacity or part-time after their regular office hours.
During our interview process for new applicants, we see an ever increasing number of employees with at least some experience working from home. Since this has been a topic of discussion in our office, I thought this would make and interesting topic for OutsourcingOpinions.com.
As I was formulating my thoughts for this topic, an email notification popped up from one of the groups I belong to in LinkedIn. It said that Raffy Pekson had posted a new topic called How to Employ At-Home Agents for your Business. In this timely article, Raffy lays out key factors that should be considered when employing at-home agents. His intention is to teach people the factors that need to be considered to make this a successful venture, however in laying out his road map, he very accurately describes almost all of the pitfalls that I myself had laid out in my outline for this article. He mentions issues such as internet connectivity, culture, and maturity.
Trust and Team communication
June 1, 2011 | Leave a Comment
In communication, trust is a must. A team needs to be able to trust the reliability of a leader and his/her words. Deceptive leaders do not enjoy long-term influence. Time will reveal them as frauds. A solid platform of lasting leadership is built on trust.
Here’s how one achieves that platform.
4 C’s of Crystal clear, Effective Communication
February 16, 2011 | Leave a Comment
How is it possible for popular speakers, or writers, to grab the attention of their audiences?
When marketing a product or service, you would want absolutely pull and hold people’s concentration on your spiel to make a sale or close a deal. How to do it effectively is the question.
The conceptualization and communication of effective marketing messages requires skill and experience in order to be learned and mastered. Here are four C’s of communication to make your marketing effective: 1) credibility, 2) comprehension, 3) connection and 4) contagiousness.
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