

Chief Technical Officer of GlassHouse Technologies, James Damoulakis shares his analysis on the relevenace of software as a service (SaaS) cloud computing in today’s corporate IT departments and businesses.

Read the answers here to the questions, such as the true costs of cloud services? Does the cloud model support a corporation’s overall economic goals? Is an internal cloud viable? Is cloud availability adequate?



Jerry Kaplan of E-commerce Times discusses on how to small- and medium-sized businesses, as well as in large-scale enterprises, are beginning to embrace Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud computing, and why managed service providers (MSPs) can’t afford to ignore these anymore.

Read more on Jerry Kaplan’s opinion on leveraging of partner relationships to convince the IT departments of SMBs and large enterprises to the Cloud and SaaS here



Software as a service is a modern means of software deployment where a provider licenses a software application to clients for use as a service on demand.

David F. Carr writes that there are five, count ’em 5, things chief information officers and IT department heads have to watch out for, especially when it comes to acquiring safe, secure and successful Software as a Service (SaaS) contracts.

  1. Reliable Services
  2. Vendor Guarantees, like escrow
  3. Adequate notices on changes and upgrades
  4. Rogue Deployments
  5. Resistance to SaaS

Want to learn more? Read here



In today’s modern global businessplace, the Internet plays a pivotal role in making work possible in any location, thus outsourcing and off-shoring has become quite common and quite effective for many business people, entrepreneurs and enterprises, to acquire resources from any corner in the globe.

Particularly in the field of business processes as well as IT software development, one can manage a team comprising of profesional individuals living thousands of miles apart and putting their efforts together to create a product and services. This type of remote management requires a above-standard set of skills and technologies.

I found expert advice on how to supervise a group of workers that is geographically diverse can be less of a challenge when one just use the right tools.

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