






Social media can help businesses thrive.

Social media can boost a small business, create brand awareness, improve customer relations, generate sales and expand market reach.

Worldwide, social media is already accepted by traditional businesses as an effective tool for advertising, marketing and promotions.

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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can outsource some business functions and save costs, focus on core and strategic areas in their businesses. SMEs can use the growing outsourcing trend in business as an advantage, to become more efficient in operations and stay ahead of their competition.

Companies have long tapped third parties for services such as security and maintenance. Outsourced activities have now grown to include operations, service support, accounting and human resource functions.

Companies can tap other parties who can do these functions for them, who can deliver faster services and help keep track of their developments.

Outsourced functions help the company save as it no longer has to hire more employees to do company functions.
When hiring employees, the company needs to consider their incentives and benefits. In outsourcing, however, the company only considers the provider’s ability to deliver service.

SMEs must take care in selecting a service provider. It is important that companies should carefully check their chosen service provider to avoid unclear deliverables and unmet expectations. It is also helpful to have an established coordination and in-house support.



More and more small to mid-size businesses worldwide are becoming first time outsourcers  as more and more smaller firms in the United States and Europe are making inquiries, forging connections and pilot projects in off-shore destinations in Asia.

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In a previous Outsourcing Opinions article, “BPO-Outsourcing Business Intelligence”, it was discussed the important need to establish business intelligence (BI) protocols in small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to compete effectively to today’s markets. A means to achieve this efficient implementation is through outsourcing BI.

Now,an Aberdeen Analyst Insight further supports the SME market’s potential in  using business intelligence (BI) tools.

While organizations of such size typical work with lesser resources and less-developed IT skill sets, their need for business insight through tools like business intelligence is just as extensive as any multinational.

Many organizations today push for substantial performance improvements through efficient business intelligence analysis.

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