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Aquino said the intrinsic characteristics of Filipino workers are what investors want from their work force.

The President cited the success of the business process outsourcing industry in which Filipinos have excelled, through creativity, dedication and loyalty.

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Two major telecom providers in the Philippines, along with their partners, are focusing on their corporate social responsibility in building up education in the country through information communications technology, promoting digital literacy among Filipino students in order to prepare them well in a future where the personal computer is the common tool and the Internet is the major means of sharing information and communication.

Their efforts highlight their trust in the potential of  the students in the Philippines as engineers, developers, scientists, communicators, innovators and leaders.


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For local business leaders, the business process outsourcing (BPO) and tourism industries remain the top sectors that offer opportunities for Cebu’s business community. The Filipino-Cebuano Business Club Inc. (FCBI) sees brighter business opportunities this year and said Cebu, Philippines will have a faster growth.

Cebu’s economic performance in 2010, when there was a boom of infrastructure projects, including the construction of high-rise buildings, and the growing traffic congestions, gave indicators of the city’s progress.

Cebu is growing that the city’s administrative and business groups must address key issues in mass transport, environment and product innovation.


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It is a relevant question that in world’s best business process outsourcing (BPO) destination, could successful start-ups be found?

In this regard the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) works for the development of the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) sector in Cebu by teaching entrepreneurs to take advantage of the industry, which is described as one of the primary economic drivers this year.

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