







Accounting and finances are being outsourced to the Philippines – the new ideal location for solutions and services as Filipino financial professionals are reputed to be productive and proficient.

An increasing number of companies shift to the Philippines to send accounting work, which is a delicate and precise business process; only proactive professionals deliver good results. Filipino accountants have a good track record in the field.

Essential for any endeavor, accounting is a vital component of any organization.

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Auditing firm Grant Thornton International’s 2013 first-quarter International Business Report (IBR) reflects the surge in business optimism in the Philippines.

The Philippines with an optimism “balance” of 90%, ranked world’s 2nd in the list of most optimistic business leaders – up from 4th most optimistic in 2012 first-quarter survey.

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According to Peter Grauer, chief of Bloomberg L.P. one of the world’s biggest and most influential financial news organization, the Philippines was in an “enviable position” compared to other countries that lacked leadership at this time of great economic uncertainty.

Grauer noted that a significant part of Bloomberg’s revenue growth in recent years has been occurring in Asia, as both Europe and North America struggle with their economic difficulties.

And within Asia, he said the Philippines’ rising prominence was particularly promising.

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President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino III offers the advantages of Filipino workers before potential investors through a keynote speech at the Philippine Investment Forum 2013, Manila Peninsula in Makati City.

Aquino said the intrinsic characteristics of Filipino workers are what investors want from their work force.

The President cited the success of the business process outsourcing industry in which Filipinos have excelled, through creativity, dedication and loyalty.

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