

A majority of CEOs, COOs and CIOs view IT as an important assistance in their companies’ efforts to achieve recovery.

This is according to the global study produced by Accenture with the Economist Intelligence Unit which proves that IT is greatly valued today in the corporate world that before the global financial crisis.

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According to research firm Springboard, Asia has not seen the financial carnage that left Western economies bleed out massive losses. The region is emerging faster, reflected by the IT spending throughout Asia.

Organizations in Asia are expected to focus on extracting greater value from existing IT investments instead of new capital expenditures. Read more here



For a while now, Outsourcing Opinions have been tracking on the economic developments and business interests of China (“Outsourcing – China’s Catching Up on English Literacy/Fluency“, “Outsourcing checks on China” et cetera).

News that China’s fast growth in recent years could lead to another real estate bubble bursting to crisis like that in Japan in 1980s and recently the United States in 2008.

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Outsourcing Issues and News.

Your weekly round up of professional business information and insights, searched and summarized by Outsourcing Opinions from the world business news agencies and major resource sites.

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