

Outsourcing Issues and News.

Get your weekly dose of professional business information and analyses searched and summarized by Outsourcing Opinions from the world business news agencies and major resource sites.

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Outsourcing Opinions would like to commend the Filipino people who, even after their capital region has been ravaged by Tropical storm Ketsana (local name – Ondoy), show the resilience they’re well known for.

And for the Filipinos in other regions of the Philippines as well as those based in foreign communities, we salute you for doing what you can to extend aid and assistance to your brothers and sisters in storm-flooded Luzon island, showing the world the Filipino’s capacity for courage and compassion in the face of this calamity.



Since the bombings in Mumbai last year, companies in India have taken it upon themselves to heighten security in order to protect property and personnel, even to the point of hiring paramilitary groups to serve as guards and patrol the grounds and entrances of corporate buildings.

Extermist Actions call for Extreme Counter-measures.


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Outsourcing Opinions reviews a week’s note-worthy business news and information in the emerging markets of the Asia-Pacific for the benefit of enterprises and executives.

To best prepare for the Future, Be in the Know Now.

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