

Outsourcing Opinions reviews a week’s note-worthy business news and information in the emerging markets of the Asia-Pacific for the benefit of enterprises and executives.

To best prepare for the Future, Be in the Know Now.

Satyam saving its skin?

Satyam Computer Services may be shedding its scandal-stained reputation and experiencing a turnaround for the better as it claims to have acquired 32 new client contracts since May 2009.

Know more of the news and conclude for yourself here.

Philippines: Mobile Phone Powerhouse

Aside from being the only nation in the world with heaviest senders of SMS messages, the Philippines can now claim another title in the mobile space: the only country with the most savvy users of mobile phones.

This claim is based on a new report by global market research firm, Synovate. Filipinos lead the way in the use of many mobile features among 11 countries covered by the survey.

Learn more of this here.

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), a global industry group, also recommends that the Philippines’ telecommunications sector should be left on its own to regulate itself, its own members to discipline its own ranks instead of the government.

Read more about this recommendation on the rationale that telecommunication networks should be the only ones to impose sanctions on erring members of the industry here.

Laws to prosper, protect business technology in the Philippines

A law seeks to help Philippine-made technologies become commercial ventures.

The proposed Philipine Technology Transfer Act of 2009 will promote the transfer, dissemination and commercialization of technology programs that are sponsored by the government.

Read more about this legal development here.

In a two-part article, Josefina T. Lichauco discusses patent law and legal protection of software and business methods, particularly in the Philippines as compared with international standards.

Read more about Software legal protection here and Business method protection here.

Trend-spotting and e-commerce

Trends are the fertile soil on which seeds for profit and prosperity of a business can grow.
Learn how to conveniently, easily spot the trends by “Googling” it here.

Read a inspiring business case study on how a young Filipino entrepreneur earns about USD10,000 a month through e-commerce.

If he can succeed globally from the Philippines, it just shows that anyone can succeed from anywhere. Learn from his story here


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