

According to economist Nicolas Kwan, the head for Standard Chartered Bank research (East), employment demand in the United States is still growing as the country still needs skilled workers from the Philippines.

Through resilience and strong “fighting spirit”. Filipinos have a good competitive advantage which companies are looking for specifically in the struggling economic environment in the United States.

New Zealand also announces the growing demand for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skilled workers. Highly skilled IT professionals from the Philippines is now one of the fastest growing demand in their country.

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Cebu, Philippines is the premier BPO off-shore destination, whose facilities, services and human resources are prized by clients from around the world, from Japan to the United States, across the Atlantic, the United Kingdom and the European continent.

Learn more on the the continuous growth of businesses, especially updates on the upsurge of Business Process Outsourcing companies housed here in Cebu.

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Cebuano columnist and business writer Chris Malazarte shares information on virtual assistance, a growing segment in the already booming outsourcing industry in Cebu, Philippines.

Read more about this information here

Also, a national competition has been launched last November 7 to showcase the unique and upcoming software applications from the Philippines’ information technology sector.

“MobileXtreme! The Big Apps Competition”, which is headed by IPVG, Ayala Technology Business Incubator, GlobeLabs and MegaMobile Inc., aims for those looking for opportunities to introduce new ideas into the industry.

The best software development entries will win IPVG’s infrastructure support to develop their software ideas into full blown commercial products to be launched through IPVG and MegaMobile.

Read more about MobileXtreme! The Big Apps Competition here



Offshore outsourcing for IT services and software development can help cut down cost through low-cost destinations, augment staff with the qualified human resources the world can offer and faster time-to-market via 24/7 production.

For example, your project’s development is on-going in another time-zone while you sleep.
However, the choice of the suitable outsourcing vendor for your business is first and foremost before engaging into a contractual agreement.

Use this checklist to evaluate your potential outsourcing engagement.

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