






Companies that jump into social media believe it’s as easy as starting a Facebook page. It’s not.

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Cebu, Philippines gets the global spotlight as an ideal destination for outsourcing in the International Contact Center Conference and Expo this August 28 to 30.

The elite of the contact center global industry gathers for the world’s largest trade event for contact center professionals.

This is the first time the international conference is facilitated outside Manila.

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According to global business process outsourcing giant Convergys, the Philippines’ contact center industry must invest more in training and technology, if the country is to keep its leading position in the sector.

The Philippines is the world leader in the contact center segment of the global BPO industry, employing over 700,000 agents nationwide.

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The enterprises and firms in the United Kingdom are keen on the Philippines as an exciting market to boost reciprocal investment.

This bright outlook of the UK; as it sets its sights on Southeast Asia as a priority growth area, is due to the dim prospects in Western economies.

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