Outsourcing on Debate
November 14, 2008 | Leave a Comment
Students from Notre Dame University and Benedictine College will engage in an inter-collegiate debate on outsourcing.
Hosted by the International Political economy project division of the Student International Business Council (SIBC) program at Benedictine and Notre Dame, the debate teams will argue the positive and negative aspects of outsourcing on host countries.
Outsourcing : A Global Glossary
September 16, 2008 | Leave a Comment
“Outsourcing” could be considered as a relatively new term for a process or a set of business practices that existed since the 1940s in the aftermath of World War II when the Allied Powers provided means to economically assist countries most affected by the War.
Then again it could be argued that “outsourcing” even existed during the ancient age of empires where specialized skills and products from such are sought after and bartered.