

Considered as one of the strongest economic boosters of the Philippines, the country’s Information Technology and Business Process Outsourcing (IT-BPO) sector sees a more robust year this 2011, as the industry projects at least USD11 billion in revenues.

The Business Processing Association of the Philippines, with its government counterpart the Commission on Information and communications Technology (CICT), expects 2011, as the “turning point” year to make the Philippines the premier destination for outsourcing investments in the world, to recognized for the top position, instead of  India.

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After proving its capacity as a premier global outsourcing services destination, Cebu-Philippines has gained the attention and interest of the international outsourcing and off-shoring (O&O) industry.


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The Cebu Investments and Promotions Center (CIPC) showcases Cebu, Philippines capability as the world’s preferred destination for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) at the Latin American and Caribbean Outsourcing and Offshoring Summit this coming April 14 to 15 in Montevideo, Uruguay

CIPC presents “Cebu City: The Rise of an Outsourcing Star” to the Latin American and Caribbean BPO investors.

The presentation explains Cebu’s emergence in Tholon’s Top Outsourcing Destinations in the world.

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India Incorportated, particulay its business process outsourcing (BPO) sector, is virtually ‘voice-less’ as the Philippines fast upstages India’s back office supremacy.

Worldwide, BPO service providers and customers head towards the island nation as the better-value destination for voice services in customer relationship management, the very core of global outsourcing business.

Read more about this development here

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