

After proving its capacity as a premier global outsourcing services destination, Cebu-Philippines has gained the attention and interest of the international outsourcing and off-shoring (O&O) industry.


During a two-day Outsource to Latin America and Caribbean (O2LAC) Conference that was recently held in Montevideo, Uruguay, the Cebu Investment and Promotions Center (CIPC) presented Cebu’s capability to host giant and high-quality outsourcing companies from all over the world.

Cebu’s BPO sector, as well as the province’s wide advantages as a premier investment destination, was presented to over 400 delegates from more than 15 trade and investment agencies in the Latin American and Caribbean regions.

Hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the Uruguayan investment promotion agency (Uruguay XXI), and services globalization advisory Tholons, the two-day conference opened discussions about global trends in the services globalization industry, identifying growth opportunities in the global market.

The Cebu City presentation highlighted significant findings from the Cebu City IT-BPO Roadmap done in partnership with Tholons.

Starting with a population of less than 1 million people, Cebu City developed its local outsourcing industry capabilities in the early 2000s through strategic local government initiatives and in conjunction with strong industry-academe partnerships, focused on the development of local talent.

From around 1,200 employees and four service providers then, Cebu City today is home to more than 100 service providers and more than 65,000 outsourcing employees – with skills that exceed that of international industry standards.

This is the ongoing success story which gained widespread interest during the conference as most Latin American and Caribbean cities were able to relate to the scale limitations of a midsized location such as Cebu City.

Cebu’s participation in the said conference not only validates the capabilities of the Philippines in the services globalization space, but also champions city-centric and city-driven development, as a viable case study for mid-sized locations around the world and including the Latin American and Caribbean Regions.

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Source: Dagooc, Ehda. "Cebu gains global interest as
premier BPO investment hub." 10 May 2011.
Cebu's The Freeman. Accessed 10 May 2011.
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