

According to a recent study, based on a survey conducted by global services firm Accenture,  of more than 400 global business leaders with a year-long analysis of business and technology developments, there are six interactions that can generate new economic value for the global market.

These are:

  1. Co-production with customers.
  2. New bridges between producers and consumers.
  3. New forms of business-to-business commerce.
  4. Consumer-to-consumer content.
  5. Peer-to-peer production.
  6. Cooperative consumption.

Learn more about these six new market interactions in the world today and how to best use these in your business venture here



Outsourcing Opinions reviews a week’s note-worthy business news and information in the emerging markets of the Asia-Pacific for the benefit of enterprises and executives.

To best prepare for the Future, Be in the Know Now.

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