

In today’s markets and economies, businesses face higher costs in maintaining good customer relations and in reaching new customers.

More cost-efficient strategies are being considered, such as forming partnerships with offshore service firms and professionals in the Philippines.

The Philippines is an ideal location, as a multiplicity of administrative and customer support services are accessible to clients or enterprises from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, or any other part of the world.

Major urban centres in Philippines like Cebu City provide facilities, infrastructures and a professional staffs, who are proficient in communication in multiple languages.

Any enterprise can achieve lower operation costs and higher rate of investment returns, in the Philippines.


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Accounting and finances are being outsourced to the Philippines – the new ideal location for solutions and services as Filipino financial professionals are reputed to be productive and proficient.

An increasing number of companies shift to the Philippines to send accounting work, which is a delicate and precise business process; only proactive professionals deliver good results. Filipino accountants have a good track record in the field.

Essential for any endeavor, accounting is a vital component of any organization.

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Cebu City vows to be provide highly qualified manpower to the country’s business process outsourcing (BPO) industry at the height of shortage in talent confronting the industry.

The local government will improve its current pool of talents in the wake of recent assessment of the Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPAP) that the supply of manpower cannot meet the growing industry. This shortage, according to BPAP, continues to increase at the rate of 20 percent even as the country has 500,000 college graduates annually.

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Cebu City is promoted for expansion of business process outsourcing (BPO) firms, as a next wave city in the Philippines.

BPO is one of the high growth potentials for Central Visayas including Cebu, along with agribusiness, tourism, infrastructure and food processing.

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