





Japan’s top 20 video game developers send a 50-man mission to the Philippines to explore expansion opportunities as they look up to the country to bring status of Japanese video games further into the western world.

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The Philippines can learn from the success of creative industries in Japan and South Korea as creative industries in the Philippines seem to operate underground. Most of those who create are not entrepreneurs and remain invisible to the market.

As creative industries accounted for less than five percent of the Philippines gross domestic product, this figure is too low and that the country can do more.

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After the massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated Sendai, Japan, the Internet is offering the world digital ways to donate to Japan’s recovery efforts to help the plight of the country and its people.

Please be part of the global movement to help others in grave need.

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One immediate action in dealing with the present economic challenges for most business enterprises, domestic and multinational is cost-cutting, lowering and re-appropriate the budget.

Even the CEOs, particularly those in India, are taking between 15 to 20 percent salary cuts, the proverbial tightening of the belt.

And not only the salaries are decreasing in India Incorporated.

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