

Having a little trouble with the global recession and its domestic effects on your business? Feeling that your people are not up to the tasks of keeping the business afloat and acting more like anchors and deadweight, sinking the company down to new depths?

An interesting viewpoint article in Business Week shares that business leaders should take more care with their personnel who, now more than ever, require responsible leadership .

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Recession inspires fear worldwide, particularly for those employed in India’s IT and business process outsourcing (BPO) industry where a slowdown in services could mean mass lay-offs affecting thousands of employees. Read more



In an earlier Outsourcing Opinions article, Outsourcing: People Matters, it was reported that the employee attrition rate in India’s business processing industry is the highest at 23.5 percent when compared to other industries.

But recent figures show that the high figure appears to have dropped down to 20 percent, and in the coming quarters, industry insiders foresee a chance for the rate to drop lower.

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Shear Terror

October 7, 2008 | Leave a Comment

The credit crisis in the US has far-reaching effects that are being experienced around the world, especially in the fields of business, technology, labor and outsourcing.

The US economic slowdown’s effect on the domestic technology sector is now showing. Though mass-spread job cuts have not been seen, its threat hangs overheard for many as a decreasing demand for computers and other electronics may already be slashing some payrolls.

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