

Employee rentention and turnovers are major issues facing any organization, particularly in the contact center business were agents are challenged to maintain a positive mental attitude at work.


However there are ways organizations can keep their employees’ morale, keep them happy and keep them at work.

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Recession inspires fear worldwide, particularly for those employed in India’s IT and business process outsourcing (BPO) industry where a slowdown in services could mean mass lay-offs affecting thousands of employees. Read more



In an earlier Outsourcing Opinions article, Outsourcing: People Matters, it was reported that the employee attrition rate in India’s business processing industry is the highest at 23.5 percent when compared to other industries.

But recent figures show that the high figure appears to have dropped down to 20 percent, and in the coming quarters, industry insiders foresee a chance for the rate to drop lower.

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Outsourcing’s potential has been proven and now it is growing, expanding into various domains such as core office functions like human resources and accounting, life science developments like biochemical research and drug testing, and technological innovations, especially in software development.

Yet whatever sights we have on the future of outsourcing are still blurred by external factors (politics, society) and also internal problems (infrastructure, talent acquisition). One such internal factor can be deemed as the worm eating at the core and if not dealt swiftly could spell major trouble for outsourcers and their business partners.

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