

During the APEC summit in Singapore, Barack Obama emphasized the important roles of emerging markets in the global economy’s efforts to recover.  Stephanie Overby of discusses shares how managing IT operations in emerging markets can be a challenge for IT leaders.

Read her advice on how to leverage the conflicting requirements between established and still-developing business locations here



The votes are in and Outsourcing wins by a 2-to-1 landslide!

A survey shows that only one-third of CEOs worldwide believe outsourcing offers less economic value than five years ago.

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Recession can shock any business to a terminal standstill but you can insulate yourself from its negative effects by diverting time and resources to finding markets for your products or services overseas and filling your pockets with currency.

Experts from Business Week and other web resources have provided articles sharing information on selling overseas. Outsourcing Opinions presents the salient points.

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