

Universities and colleges in Cebu will be fully introduced into cloud computing technology, the fast growing technology trend as more and more companies are depending on the cloud-based financial and enterprise-resource planning software for their outsourcing needs.

Netsuite Inc., a leading provider of cloud-based software suites, is already partnering with the University of San Carlos, and aims to expand the program with Cebu Institute of Technology (CIT), University of Cebu (UC), and University of the Visayas (UV), and other universities.

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IBM announced a USD38M investment in a new Asia Pacific Cloud Computing Data Center in Singapore, which will provide businesses with solutions and services to harness the potential of cloud computing.

The new facility will extend IBM’s globally-integrated cloud delivery network with centers in Germany, Canada and the United States; and 13 global cloud labs, of which seven are based in Asia Pacific – China, India, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Singapore.

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Cloud [computing] is just outsourcing. You can rely on knowledge of how you do outsourcing to an extent – there is enough there to help you, as long as you remember the seven deadly sins [of cloud computing].”

— Adrian Davis, principal research analyst, Information Security Forum.

Read more and know what these seven deadly sins are…

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Chief Technical Officer of GlassHouse Technologies, James Damoulakis shares his analysis on the relevenace of software as a service (SaaS) cloud computing in today’s corporate IT departments and businesses.

Read the answers here to the questions, such as the true costs of cloud services? Does the cloud model support a corporation’s overall economic goals? Is an internal cloud viable? Is cloud availability adequate?

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