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Is China like Enron?

The world has their eyes on China as the economy most likely to lead the way towards recovery, however some investors and analysts speculate that China shows symptoms of an economic bubble ready to burst.

Thomas Friedman of the New York Times shares his observations that there are actually two types of economies existing in China: one is traditional, the other entrepreneurial.The existence of both at times causes conflict in how China is viewed by the rest of us.

Learn more from Thomas Friedman here

IT Global Investments Flat this 2010?

Based on results from its industry survey, Gartner expects IT budgets around the world will be essentially flat as opposed to last year when it declined by 8.1 percent.

Read more of this expectation here

India Voice BPO becomes quiet

Some contact centers in India move up to higher-end voice services that provides technical knowledge and problem-solving skills, like computer or medical support while other contact centers target domestic clients in providing customer contact services as India loses its long reign on voice BPO to competition from countries with more neutral accents and greater affinity to Western countries, like the Philippines.

Read more about this here

French in Philippine public schools

In Cebu Philippines, the French embassy and the Alliance Francaise de Cebu (AFC) signed a deal last January 16, 2009 on the promotion of French culture, language and education in Cebu, Visayas and Mindanao.

The agreement will endow renewed commitment between AFC and the French Embassy’s cooperative efforts in France-Philippines cultural exchanges, teaching the French language and in providing educational assistance to Filipino students.

The French Embassy in fact has a pilot project of  teaching of French in 13 public science high schools in Luzon and the Visayas for the school year 2010-2011. Learn more about this cultural development here

The BPO Phenomenon in the Philippines

Get the local viewpoint on the BPO phenomenon in the Philippines as writer Allan Batuhan discuss his observations regarding how BPO is shaping the way of life in the many islands of the country.

Read more on Mr. Batuhan’s perspective on BPO Philippines in 3 parts: Part 1 here, Part 2 and Conclusion


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