






The rising cost of space and labor reopen the Philippines’ manufacturing sector as companies look at Cebu, where the economic landscape is friendlier to foreign direct investments (FDIs).

A dozen electronic companies from Japan and the United States have approached Cebu Investment and Promotions Center (CIPC) and expressed interest in locating to Cebu.

Companies planning to locate in Cebu have conducted research studies and know about the island’s labor and space rental, and power costs.

One of the island’s many business attractions is its workforce, evaluated to be the best in the world.

“Our work force has demonstrated capability with distinctive competencies and definitive cost advantage. We have a skilled and English-speaking work force, strategic location and we are embedded in a resort environment, where some of the country’s fine beaches and dive spots are located.”

Joel Mari Yu, managing director of Cebu Investment and Promotions Center (CIPC).


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Outsourcing Solutions, Inc. – Outsourcing Services Provider in the Philippines!
"Japan, US firms eyeing Cebu, says trade group"
By Cris Evert B. Lato. Inquirer Visayas
31 March 2013. Access here: Link.


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