









Local business process outsourcing (BPO) companies recognize the Philippines’ domestic market as a driver.

The Business Process Association of the Philippines (BPAP) report that aside from foreign markets in the West, there is a growing domestic demand for outsourcing in the country as well as in the Asia region in customer relations, and other communication services.

Local enterprises and organizations realize the importance of communicating with clients in their first language.

For example, Lingo24 a British outsourcing firm based in Cebu has announced its shift to provide translation services to different languages in the Philippines.

Lingo’s client companies take advantage of Lingo24’s translation services to effectively communicate to their specific target markets, in regions in the country, with unique languages.

Philippine exporters should embrace the emerging trend of using languages and communication services in order to reach out to clients in provinces in the country and countries in Asia they export their products to.

The Philippine outsourcing sector is currently working with several domestic corporations that have decided to outsource some of their back-office functions, such as information technology and human resources.

This trend is expected to grow, as companies are exploring avenues to increase and improve their reach for getting new customers, rewarding loyal ones and running more cost-efficient operations.


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