

Cebu City, Philippines. Colleges and universities expect a surge in the number of incoming students enrolling in engineering courses.

Following the drop in demand abroad for nurses, an increase in the number of enrollees for engineering courses this second semester is noted. The population of enrollees for the second semester usually drop either due to students shifting to popular courses or financial setbacks.

With the weakening state of the quality of nursing graduates all over the country, even the Commission on Higher Education (ChEd) sent out a memorandum late last year asking tertiary schools to stop offering courses in nursing and teaching.

The College of Engineering at the University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R), in particular, note a
10% increase of engineering students this second semester.

Currently, there is a growing demand for engineering jobs abroad in highly-industrialized and urbanized countries such as Singapore. With more developments, all industries perpetually need engineers.

The main challenge of the industry is the rate of attrition, colleges and universities must be assertive
in encouraging students to take up engineering courses so that there is a continuous supply of engineers in the country and abroad.

Foreign companies are likely to hire Filipino engineers because Filipinos have excellent communication skills and are not only well-educated on the field but also resourceful, keen and diligent.

With the changes and demands in technology and sociopolitics, universities and colleges in Cebu have also taken the lead to adopt and teach green technology in their engineering curriculum. The advocacy for green technology will empower graduates to better responsibility and awareness regarding relevant environmental issues.


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