






Growing from what had been an ambiguous industry ten years ago into one of the Philippines’ leading employers, the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector has provided 600,000 new jobs for English-speaking college graduates.

In order to sustain the industry for the next 10 years however, requires a whole new shift from what is the current trend.

For the industry to rely just on low operation costs and call-center services to attract new businesses from overseas can be unfavorable in the long run. Automation and voice recognition are technologies that are being improved every year. Soon, these technologies would be so ‘human’ that the actual need for a customer service representative would be replaced in favor of computer systems that would not tire or be frustrated with callers’ inquiries and requests.

With the ongoing advancements in information communication technology, multinational companies can now delegate a value chain of services to staff workers overseas.

In the Philippines, there are professionals in finance, health care and legal services whose upbringing and culture has been adjusted to that of Western countries. Considering these many talented and skilled personnel, the industry’s long-term prospects are viable beyond voice-call customer services.

Professionals with Law degrees, MBAs and PhD’s can find promising careers in BPO, working for clients through more complex services such as consultations, data analysis and design.

These critical services would most likely be the industry landscape in the next decade.

Facing its rivals India and China, giant economies with giant populations, the Philippines is the only other country in the world that can offer such high quality services at affordable rates.

The local government is tasked to provide for the needs of the country’s BPO service sector; this includes improvements in the country’s educational system.

The Philippines’ advantage is its large worker population that communicates in English well, but India and China have more highly-educated workers, graduates of expansive educational systems.

Local BPO firms need to establish innovative new services that can be found nowhere in the world, not to just be a supplier of skilled workers but a supplier of valuable business and technical solutions.

Full Time Employee OutsourcingSupplier of Business and Technical Solutions!

Montecillo, Paolo. "BPO Philippines not just call centers"
10 July 2011. The Philippine Daily Inquirer.
1 August 2011. Link Here.


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