

To meet and maintain the demand of qualified human resources in Cebu, Philippines Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector has prompted the establishment of training centers to equip potential BPO workers with employable skills.

These training facilities address the gap between industry requirements on qualified human resources and the graduates produced by the academe.

Skilled workers are important in sustaining the country’s investment growth. The country continues to attract foreign investors because of its competitive labor cost and quality skilled workers.

Other Asian countries have significantly increased their labor cost, making them expensive investment destination for most foreign countries in the West.

The Philippines is more favorable in terms of operations cost. Foreign companies favor Filipino workers because they are easily trainable and hard working.

These call center training centers provide extensive training, for individuals who may want to enter to the growing BPO/call center industry. Training modules include building self-confidence confidence building, improving communication skills and grammar, and being familiar with Western culture, among others.

These accredited training centers invest on top-notch technology and expert trainers in the call center industry to offer technical training and simulation exercises, in order to give its trainees the best buildup and background to ensure employment after completing the course.

At present, these training centers partner with major call center companies in Cebu for human resources requirements. In the long term, these training centers will diversify their courses, other than call center training, to include other modules in software development and other BPO-related skills.

Due to the island province’s strategic location, existing BPO companies in Cebu can get more human resources needs from the neighboring regions and provinces.

It is not only the BPO sector that is upgrading the quality of workers, Cebu’s manufacturing sector is also assisted by training facilities which also offer free college education to deserving workers who are undergraduates. One of these training facilities is Ikon College, Cebu.

The Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) approved the college’s application to offer free industrial engineering courses to undergraduate workers. For the future, the school looks to offering other courses.

The programs offered at Ikon College will operate under Dual Training System (DTS), one of the preferred training programs for enterprise-based training in the country.

DTS is an instructional delivery system of technical and vocational education and training that combines in-plant and in-school trainings based on a plan designed and implemented by an accredited system of agricultural, industrial and business establishments.

This facility will serve as an avenue where workers would learn the theories, while their respective workplaces would be their laboratories.

Ikon College also earned accreditation to partner with companies operating under the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA). Eighteen more training facilities will be opened in locations near economic zones.

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1. Dagooc, Ehda. "Call Center 101 to address
BPO manpower problems". 4 August 2011.
The Freeman. Accessed 4 August 2011.
Link Here.

2. Cacho, Katlene. "College offers free
education to workers". 31 July 2011.
Sun Star Cebu. Accessed 4 August 2011.
Link Here.


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