

Cebu City, Philippines hosts the third Global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Summit at the Marriott Hotel. The summit is the venue for the projected aim of a greener Philippines through the joint initiatives of its political leaders and corporate partners.

Cebu City was chosen because of its diversity, inventiveness and business-friendly atmosphere and policies. Cebu, Philippines has promise as an economy in Southeast Asia. With the growing economy of the city, the CSR summit calls on local businesses for greener initiatives in their products and services.

Senator of the Philippines Manny Villar was a guest of honor at the summit as a businessman and philanthropist. Villar introduced and authored Senate Bill Number 1239 or the Corporate Social Responsibility Act.

The bill pushes the government’s initiative to direct corporate and business organizations’ efforts towards community development, health services improvement and environmental preservation, to be at par among global wealthy corporations through CSR efforts.

The bill’s provisions are mandatory for the top 1,000 businesses in the country as social services should not be a monopoly of the government. This will benefit not only the less-fortunate but all sectors of the nation in the long run.

The good senator also shared his journey from being a small businessman to his success as a public servant to hundreds of delegates from all over the world.

The 3rd Global CSR Summit will recognize several companies in five special categories for environmental merit and other CSR initiatives in leadership and product designs.

The summit will honor companies that displayed corporate leadership, sincerity, and ongoing commitment in incorporating values, legal requirements and environmental concern into their respected businesses through outstanding, innovative and world-class products, services, projects and programs implemented in 2010.

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