




The 15th Cebu Business Month (CBM) is officially launced by the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) for the entire month of June 2011, with a commitment to help business players from Cebu, and neighboring cities in provinces of the Philippines, effectively take advantage the world business arena… “Going Beyond Boundaries.”

The CBM 2011, with its Expo, will serve as the meeting place of all industry players where in tourism, BPO/ICT or MSMEs. It will feature a job fair—open to all jobseekers, and a varied showcase of companies and organizations providing products, services, among others.

This year’s CBM is all about the advancement and advocacy sustainable economically-inducing activities that will enable Cebu businesses to maximize their potential.

Events are lined up to promote three key sectors: the Business Process Outsourcing/Information Technology (BPO/IT), Tourism and Entrepreneurship—the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) with the blueprint of “Moving forward, out of the usual comfort zone.”

Issues and challenges in business continuity, development and progress will be tackled in each of the sector’s summit, plenary sessions, seminars, forum, among others.

Calendar of Events for Cebu Business Month June 2011, click for viewing

The main thrust of the BPO/IT sector will be magnified during the this month’s BPO/IT Summit. Through “Actualizing the Cebu BPO/IT Roadmap,” stakeholders, with the help of international industry experts, will find out the effective solution on how Cebu could further grab a bigger bite in the USD125 billion BPO/IT industry worldwide.

For the Tourism sector, the CBM 2011’s Tourism Summit will confer on the opportunities that Cebu can take advantage of in the “Open Sky Policy”, as well as further exploring the unexplored destinations, and sites within the Cebu province. The summit will also highlight the development of the “Suroy-Suroy sa Sugbu”, which was a concept introduced during CBM celebration long time ago, in coordination with Cebu Provincial government.

The Entrepreneurship component, headed by Department of Trade and Industry Cebu Provincial Office (DTI-CPO) director Nelia F. Navarro, will focus more on the development of Cebu’s Creative Sector, although other sectors in the MSMEs will also be given importance.

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Dagooc, Ehda. "CCCI officially launches 15th Cebu Business Month".
6 May 2011. The Freeman. Accessed 6 May 2011.
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