

The business process industry of the Philippines continues to grow, and with it the development of its human resources to meet the requirements of global enterprises.

The Philippines has surpassed India in call center jobs and revenues. The outlook of the country’s call center industry continues to be bright.

If this growth is sustained, more complex services and even more skilled talent are expected and required. Thus, local talent with specialized skills will be trained and development to meet this demand.

The hiring rate in call center companies is determined by the Business Process Association of the Philippines to bey 36 percent.

The industry now turns to training and certification programs to ensure that quality manpower is available. These programs are also available to already employed call center employees to maximize their potential and drive productivity for the company and the sector.

A continual challenge for the industry is providing the right talents that the right talent that fit the requirements of companies. Talent development continues to be key to achieving the goal.


Outsourcing – Staffing solutions Philippines!


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