

Australia and the Philippines have a strong partnership in development cooperation for over 50 years. And now both countries launched a new initiative that will build stronger Philippine institutions by assisting Filipinos to pursue and achieve professional excellence.

The Australian government through its Ambassador to the Philippines with National Economic and Development Authority, and Civil Service Commission signed an agreement for the Philippines-Australia Human Resource and Organisation Development Facility.

The Facility is the Australian Government’s flagship program to support human resource management, organisational development and institutional change in the Philippines. The Facility aims to provide a range of support to select Philippine organisations – public, non-profit, and private – to improve their human resource management, corporate planning, change management and business processes.

Improvements in these areas will trigger more efficient delivery of services and improved implementation of development programs.

Continued support will be contingent on each organisation demonstrating a strong commitment to pursue reforms and to improve performance.

At least 400 scholarship places will be made available for study in Australia in the next five years. For 2011-12, 120 Filipinos are expected to receive scholarships for study in various universities in Australia.



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“Australia and the Philippines launch new partnership to strengthen institutions for development.” The Australia Embassy. Accessed 22 November 2010. Link Here.


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