

Outsourcing Issues and News.

Here’s your weekly dose of professional business information and analyses searched and summarized by Outsourcing Opinions from the world business news agencies and major resource sites.

Philippine Politics and Business Meet

2010 being an national election year for the Philippines, people are weighing their options on who to select as the next Philippine President. During a presidential forum hosted by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Marriott Hotel in Pasay City, Philippines – six presidential candidates were able to present their economic platforms before the business community.

Out of the six, only one stood out as most impressive. Find out which one of the Philippines’ presidential candidates earned the admiration of the business community here

London firm invests USD50M in Ayala KPO

Actis Capital, a private equity firm based in London-UK, invests USD50 million in Integreon Inc., an knowledge process outsourcing company of Ayala Corp.

Actis’ acquisition of the newly issued Integreon shares would serve as the outsourcing firm’s financial muscle, significant resources for expansion plans this year. Read more about this here

Cebu’s IT and Academe sectors push for alliance

The Cebu Educational Development Foundation for IT (Cedfit) aims to strengthen the already established industry-academe linkage system to sustain information communications technology (ICT) growth in Cebu. This is a proactive effort to maintain Cebu’s premier position as a global ICT destination. Learn more about this development here

Good Social Media Strategy: The Basics

There are 5 basics for you to know when it comes to having an official company presence in a social media network. These are:

  1. Be Genuine.
  2. Provide Fresh Content.
  3. Provide Valuable Content.
  4. Engage in Discussion.
  5. Build Relationships.

Learn more on how to make these basics work for you here


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