

CRM market research firm and consultancy Beagle Research Group’s Denis Pombriant shares his year-end evaluation of customer relationship management and its major players in 2009, comparing what happened in the year to that of what was predicted in 2008.

Learn more about what Mr. Pombriant believes to be the highlights of CRM 2009 and the biggest CRM lesson that the year has taught here



Outsourcing Issues and News.

Have your weekly dose of professional business information and analyses searched and summarized by Outsourcing Opinions from the world business news agencies and major resource sites.

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With the volatile nature of our planet, climate change and the natural calamities, such as storms, floods, that these bring, executives and enterpreneurs are very concerned if their businesses could fall victim and not survive when such disaster could befall them.

Technology and market consultancy Forrester Research recommends 4 best practices for business continuity and disaster recovery, particularly that of ensuring your business’ information technology (IT) requirements are maintained and IT services remain continuous.

I. Classify your business’ systems and processes for criticality.

II. Develop tiers of service for both availability and continuity of IT services.

III. Measure IT availability from the perspective of the end-user.

IV. Consider availability and continuity concerns/requirements during application development and testing.

Learn more about these best strategies here



China and Cebu are bound in a long history, evident in Parian–the old Chinese quarter of Cebu. In its golden age, this city-quarter is home to the finest houses and shops as well as a grand church.

After the Japanese occupation in World War II, only a few houses and foundations survived to become heritage sites but there is hope for the future of Cebu-Chinese relations as an important envoy from the Dragon republic wishes to establish better trade and investments into the island.

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