According to the Call Center Directory of the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, Cebu’s call center industry ranks 4th place in the Philippines in terms of having the most number of major call centers.
The Philippines presently has 788 major call centers in over 20 key locations.
At 4th place, Metro Cebu has 44 major call centers, next to Quezon City with 77 major call centers, Ortigas City with 141 and Makati City with 274.
Just goes to show, Cebu City still has plenty of room to grow.
Cebu City has been consistently a prime location for business investments, being a regional and global trade center since the early 1400’s.
The city has provided international flights, making the city’s entry and exit points convenient for foreign investors.
Also, Cebu has a pool of qualified personnel suited for the call center industry.
The presence of call centers provides local professionals and talents with the incentive not to leave for abroad, since they will be able to find good employment here.

Cacho, Katlene. “Peza: Cebu fourth in number of major call centers in country.” 5 October 2009. The Sun Star Cebu. Accessed 7 October 2009. Link Here
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