It gets me down to read that the Philippines dropped several ranks in two recent surveys in global and IT competitiveness performed by two economic organizations.
These studies used benchmarks in overall business environment, government IT policies, Institutions, macroeconomic stability and many others as criteria.
Makes me wonder briefly why the Philippines ranked lower than last 2008? What geo-socio-political event could have such an effect in such a short time.
Then it hit me, of course! We’re months away from the National Elections!
The Philippines ranked 12th – down from 10th place in 2008 – among 17 Asia Pacific countries he most recent IT competitiveness index by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), commisioned by the Business Software Alliance. Among 66 countries worldwide that were part of the EIU study, the Philippines was number 56 (down 9 notches from number 47).
In this year’s Global Competitiveness Report by the World Economic Forum, The Philippines fell 16 ranks from 71st to 87th place. Inefficient government bureaucracy, corruption and inadequate supply of infrastructure were cited as problematic factors for doing business in the country.
These findings are not surprising as the country is just months away from election year where a new President, a new administration is going to be placed in power by the people.
Tensions are high as local news are full on political actions, agendas and platforms. One can almost find every prime political leader in front of the camera, one can also wonder if they ever do anything else that’s productive.
Even corporate giants are keeping tabs on the political scene, considering where to place their ‘bets’, their support on candidates on the local and national stages who can help benefit their profits as well as the nation’s business enviroment.
With all these, even the regular, working Juan and Juanita dela Cruz can’t help be distracted. Heck, they’re even invited to join the fray, to volunteer, to help monitor, to promote clean and honest elections before they too will perform their duty to vote.
I, for one, have not settled on who to cast my vote for as all the candidates are spouting now are their proclaimations to run for office, their hopes for change, their qualifications and past contributions as well as their pointed opinions on current events.
So it’s yet too early for them to share the specifics and details of their programs and platforms. At this time, it’s all very vague, it’s all about hype– I do wish that Elections 2010 do come sooner so that we can get it over with and get back to the real work to be done.

- Calimag, Melvin. “RP stumbles 16 notches down in global competitiveness list.” 13 September 2009. The Manila Bulletin. Accessed 24 September 2009. Link Here
- Villafania, Alexander. “RP declines in IT competitiveness study. ” 23 September 2009. The Philippine Daily Inquirer. Accessed 24 September 2009. Link Here
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