

Outsourcing Issues and News.

Here is your weekly dose of professional business information and analyses searched and summarized by Outsourcing Opinions from the world business news agencies and major resource sites.

Outsource information security

Thinking about outsourcing your business’ information security? Please consider that is not the right approach for every business.

The set of circumstances, the choice of provider and the choice services to a third party are unique to each enterprise or corporation. Learn more about this persistent trend toward consolidation and specialization in the security services market here

Outsourcing India takes on Slowdown

Financial giants Bank of America, JPMorgan and Citibank continue to send more back office projects to India, as they seek to lower their cost of operations by up to 40 percent, proving that India’s IT and BPO industries managed to best the negative impacts of the global recession.

Read how India Inc.’s continued growth here and here

Crisis’ crush eases on Asia

It is not only India that is doing better, despite the recession.

According to Moody’s Investors Service, the impact of the global economic crisis on the Philippines, Inc, and the rest of Asia Business eases this quarter. Read more on this here

Invest in Emergence

American investment bank Merrill Lynch declares that the global recession is likely over.

Investors with idle cash have ample opportunity to make money from investing in stocks in emerging markets like the Philippines. Read more about this development here


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