

Your Outsourcing Guide.

With well-researched articles and reviews on the latest news and issues on outsourcing business, Outsourcing Opinions is your sure guide to making informed decisions for outsourcing your business challenges for success.

Outsourcing World

Multinationals in the United Kingdom lay bare their experiences with outsourcing and how off-shoring is helping them survive the global recession.

Read more about this here

Here are some of the recommended elements of  a good outsourcing deal to ensure you and your company are are achieving best advantage in negotiations for outsourcing certain business functions.

  1. No Minimum Commitments
  2. Termination for Convenience
  3. Length & Flexibility of Deal
  4. Currency Options
  5. Key Personnel Companies
  6. Intellectual Property Rights
  7. Meaningful SLAs
  8. Benchmarking
  9. Productivity Improvements

Learn more about these 9 elements of a ideal offshore outsourcing vendor deal here

Prosperous Philippines

Two major telecommunications providers in the Philippines, The Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) and Globe Telecom, show booming gains in their respective mobile Internet businesses, owing it to lower cost of the services and a growing youth segment that are able to buy cheap notebook computers.

Read more about this here

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines(IPOP) strives to strengthen the country’s intellectual property environment, in a effort to remove the Philippines from the United States Trade Representative’s Special 301 Report Watch List.

The annual Special 301 Report examines in detail the adequacy and effectiveness of intellectual property rights in many countries around the world.

Read the IPOP’s actions regarding this initiative here

The business sector in Cebu, Philippines is ready for the probable power shortfall as this crisis had long been anticipated by the industry. the business sector is aiding the Visayan Electric Company (VECO) to address the probable power shortage through the Power Augmentation Program (PAP), which was signed by Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) and VECO earlier.

Learm more about this here


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