

Your Weekly Outsourcing Guide.

With well-researched articles and reviews on the latest news and issues on outsourcing business, Outsourcing Opinions is your sure guide to making informed decisions for outsourcing your business challenges for success.

Why Outsource?

General reasons why companies outsource could be:

Learn more on why companies are dealing with the recession through outsourcing here

Outsourcing Opportunities and Threats 2009

A new report reveals opportunities and threats in outsourcing for the year 2009.

Grab yourself a copy of this report online here

The Eight-fold Path to Outsourcing

There is a recommended 8-fold path to smoother outsourcing deals and contracts:

  1. Ensure BPO is a C-level priority
  2. Approach outsourcing with an open mind
  3. Keep your outsourcing deal simple
  4. Avoid Delays
  5. Put and empower top talent as an internal outsourcing control
  6. Develop a realistic deployment plan
  7. Insist on alignment
  8. Debit budgets in advance

Learn more on this smooth path here

Thorns for the Outsourcing Tiger

The IT outsourcing of India, Inc. faces a year full of troubles as a decline in revenue growth in the fourth quarter of 2008-09 is expected due to many project cancellations. Read more on this here

As human resources are always an important asset for businesses to proceed and prosper, Fifty percent of India’s human resources in the BPO and IT outsourcing sectors are troubled by health problems caused by lifestyles and occupations, according to a recent study. Read more on this development here


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