

Outsourcing Issues and News. Get your daily dose of professional business information and analyses searched and summarized by Outsourcing Opinions from the world business news agencies and major resource sites.



James Hemmerling recommends Western companies to place more focus on the emerging markets in order to turn the present economic oppression into future economic opportunities.

Read and learn more from his insights here.

Outsourcing analysts TPI reports that Europe exceeds the United States in the number of new outsourcing deals sign ups and contracts. For the year 2008, they were 271 newly signed outsourcing contracts in Europe while there are only 243 in the United States. Read more on this here.

Despite this impressive figure, outsourcing in Europe has slumped compared to previous years. Learn about this here

Do you need more outsourcing information and insights for this 2009? If you enjoy reading on predictions on outsourcing as much as I do, here are more articles you like to review:

Indian outsourcing faces new challenges this year as confidence in their business competence and credibility erode, making their low-cost advantage more difficult to justify. Read more here

Unisys Global Outsourcing and Infrastructure Services shares major factors that could influence enterprise clients’ technology outsourcing decisions in 2009. Learn more about these factors here

Here are some possible positive predictions on outsourcing’s role in the economic revival this 2009. Know how outsourcing can profitably affect the future here

Outsourcing of diagnostics and laboratory services to India faces hurdles in the form of rigid regulations and expensive accreditation measures. Read more on this here

The labor pool of the Philippines, both local and international, are affected by the global financial crisis in the number of 23,485 lost jobs as reported by the country’s Department of Labor and Employment. Read more on this here

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