

In the Philippines, the national capital of Manila and its surrounding regions is not the heart of the country’s business process and information technology  outsourcing and off-shoring industry.



Before, people from these provinces would flock to Manila where the major businesses are open for employment but these days major businesses now place and operate their captive facilities in these provinces due to their low cost potential, improving technology infrastructure and vast human resources.

Provincial capitals such as Cebu and Davao have risen and proven themselves more capable and attractive to meet the growing global demand for high quality services in back-office functions and key development.

Recently, places in the Philippines such as Leyte and Albay have the potential to be profitable locations for BPO/IT services.

An information and communications technology hub in every province.

In light of this, the Philippine government pushes for initiatives and programs in further developing the provinces’ technological environment that would be conduscive in doing business.

With the robust growth in the country’s information and communications technology (ICT) sector, the transformation of each Philippine province into an information and communication technology “enabler” is a logical goal.

The national government, with the CICT [Commission on Information and Communication Technology], shall guide the LGUs [local government units] concerned on how to pursue the technology programs with these twin objectives — number one, develop a technology hub…and second, expand the capabilities of provinces that are already ICT enablers so they can increase their absorptive capacity and expand into hardcore ICT operations.

– President of the Philippines  Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

Rural Revolution in India.

Seemingly running par with the Philippines’ progressive action, India’s Information Technology (IT) sector is gearing up in developing the subcontinent’s rural areas as BPO centers in order to achieve its goal of USD 50 billion in export for this year.

Rural BPOs would not only create jobs for 8 million people or 40 million families but also reduce costs for local IT companies which will improve the country’s chances to attract foreign investment.

These two countries’ economic success as well as success for their global partners are being harvested in the rural soil of their respective provinces.

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  1. Guinto, Joel with Burgonio, TJ and Sanchez-Lacson Elizabeth. “Arroyo wants ICT hub in every province .” 21 November 2008. The Philippine Daily Inquirer. Accessed 21 November 2008. Link here
  2. “Rural BPO’s next revolution in Indian IT industry: NASSCOM.” 21 November 2008. Economic Times of India. 21 November 2008. Link here


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