The whole world’s attention is glued to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing where nations cheer as their athletes compete with other athletes to achieve the rare, golden prestige.
Nations, their athletic representatives, compete with each other to bring home the gold.
Seems familiar?
There are comparisons that can be noted between the current situation of outsourcing business with the modern Olympic Games which has been around for 108 years.
Harold Sirkin, a business consultant and author, wrote an article in Business Week which urges business heads and entrepreneurs to get into the Globality Game or be left out.
Globality can refer to the new phase of global competition to which globalization is leading to. Globalization is the process while the Globality is the end-state where every enterprise in every corner in the world can do business everywhere and with everyone, that includes business competition, as well.
Another definition of Globality is that it’s an evolved form of Globalization with a new set of dynamics.
In the latter, established industry leaders from First World nations (US, Europe) relocate their manufacturing operations as well as their products to developing regions to take advantage of their low production costs and profit from their growing consumer economies.
The former, Globality, however this is no longer the case. These developing regions through the advances of technology and telecommunications can access information, acquire finances and achieve success in First World markets. Through the Internet, anybody with a product or service can do business with anybody.
And where does Outsourcing come in? Well one could say that outsourcing has been the catalyst that’s leading to this new era of global business. Outsourcing has fueled the drive to better, faster and cheaper innovations in Internet and telecommunications.
Globalization/Globality is the Will, Outsourcing is the Way.
Sirkin, in his Business article, also shared pointers in how to get into the Game and win like any good Olympic-class coach.
Like for one, know your opponents and never underestimate them. Some potential competitors may not seem like a threat but don’t let up, don’t take the chance. Take on any challenger and take them on strong.
You have to know who are they working with, what they can do, what are their strategies and prepare countermeasures to deal with them.
And in business, you don’t need to beat the competition. You can do business with the competition. Rather than threats, these rapidly growing companies from developing regions could be opportunities that you can take advantage of or achieve mutual assistance leading to that glorious, sweeter than sweet “win-win” situation.
That’s where Outsourcings beats the Olympics.
In the games, there is one clear victor out of the various competitions.
In Outsourcing, competition can become cooperation, offering Victory to all.

- Sirkin, Harold. “Get your Head in the Globality Game.” 5 August 2008. Business Week. Accessed 8 August 2008. Link here
- “Globality.” 20 June 2008. Wikipedia. Accessed 8 August 2008. Link here
- “Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything.” The Boston Consulting Group Accessed 14 August 2008. Link here
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