

Companies deal with challenges in offering more effective customer service. Traditional customer relationship management (CRM) and contact center solutions usually focus on presenting consolidated customer information, but these still depend on contact service agents’ skills to make the right steps to resolve customer issues.

Learn how to align customer relationship management strategies with business process management intiatives in order to raise the bar on value and experience for your business’ customers and clients.

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Outsourcing Issues and News.

Get your weekly dose of professional business information and analyses on business process outsourcing (BPO), customer contact and relations management, searched and summarized by Outsourcing Opinions from the world business news agencies and major resource sites.

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As a strategy, multi-sourcing treats a given function, such as a company’s information technology, as a portfolio of activities– some routine activities can be outsourced  to multiple service providers while other activities, often critical, are kept in-house to be performed and maintained by internal staff.

Today, companies see a more effective recipe for success by outsourcing their software development and maintenance requirements to multiple service providers rather than have one service provider do all the work.

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Software as a service is a modern means of software deployment where a provider licenses a software application to clients for use as a service on demand.

David F. Carr writes that there are five, count ’em 5, things chief information officers and IT department heads have to watch out for, especially when it comes to acquiring safe, secure and successful Software as a Service (SaaS) contracts.

  1. Reliable Services
  2. Vendor Guarantees, like escrow
  3. Adequate notices on changes and upgrades
  4. Rogue Deployments
  5. Resistance to SaaS

Want to learn more? Read here

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