

The enterprises and firms in the United Kingdom are keen on the Philippines as an exciting market to boost reciprocal investment.

This bright outlook of the UK; as it sets its sights on Southeast Asia as a priority growth area, is due to the dim prospects in Western economies.

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Outsource Your Customer Service to the Philippines.

In today’s changing business environment, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) look for an advantage.

The effects of the past recession still put firms deep in the red. Strategies are required to remain profitable, despite budget cuts.

One sure strategy worth exploring is outsourcing; specifically outsourcing to the Philippines.

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Cebu City, Philippines is one of the top global destinations to go for outsourcing services.

Earlier in the 2000s, there were only 4 companies dedicated to business process outsourcing (BPO).

By the end of 2012, there are 100 companies and 95,000 workers!

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The potential of call center agents in the Philippines business process outsourcing (BPO) market to be trained in speaking British accent is being explored.

Everything Everywhere, one of Britain’s largest telecommunications provider with 28 million subscribers, is very bullish about setting up shop in the Philippines with hiring workers and middle management.

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