11 Consumer Trends for 2011
June 24, 2011 | Leave a Comment
New opportunities present fresh challenges which are exciting but does bear risk. Information guides decisions that mitigate risk, and the right information can be valuable. In making the most of new opportunities, especially in business, taking note of key consumer trends will be vital in gaining the advantage over competitors.
Here are 11 trends to watch out for this 2011.
The Social Network Advantage
April 30, 2011 | 1 Comment
Social networks, like Facebook and Multiply, can be very addictive for many people as they spend, or waste, their time interacting with friends and family online. But the application can be very productive, or profitable, for enterprising individuals and organizations.
Use Facebook, or the social network of your choice, to improve your public standing, credibility and reputation amongst your peers, colleagues, and consumer/customer base.
Here are some tips.